Friday, March 20, 2015

the walk- looking back

I said I would post more about why the Out of the Darkness Overnight Walk has become such a big part of my life and why I'm doing it again this year.  Here is the first follow-up to that...

In the most practical sense, I participate in the walk because 2 years ago yesterday my friend celebrated her 36th birthday, the last one she would celebrate on this earth.  I had wanted to do the walk for years, but Jen took it upon herself to make this long-standing dream become a reality for me.  So for her final birthday, she wrote on her blog:
... for my birthday, I want for someone else to experience the power of being alongside others who “get it.” 
I’ve received many powerful, yet private, responses from my last post.  In my friend’s latest post, Out of Darkness Overnight she states her desire to participate in a national walk to break the silence and bring issues of depression and suicide into the light.  She has registered for the walk and someone has generously donated a plane ticket to get her there.  Someone else has donated a hotel room for her stay.  Now she has to raise at least $1,000 to participate. 
What I want for my birthday is for your donation to support my friend.  It wasn’t that long ago (1950’s) that the New York Times refused to print an article with the words “breast” or “cancer” in it.  A lot has happened in bringing awareness to breast cancer.  I want to help with bringing awareness to mental health, depression, and suicide. 
Please, help me CELEBRATE my birthday by donating to help others reach their birthday.
It was because of Jen that the plane ticket was donated, that I had hotel rooms to sleep in, and it was primarily the network of people in her life who so deeply respected her that they responded to this "birthday wish" of hers and provided for me to be able to go to the walk.  (see Why the Walk?)  Seriously, Jen deserves the majority of the credit for me ever getting to do my first walk.  And honestly I think it would still just be something I really hoped to do someday if Jen hadn't made it actually happen 2 years ago.  So a big part of why I walk is because Jen made it possible for me to do so... both in the most practical of ways, and her friendship and the way she lived her life play a significant part in my story still going today.  I miss Jen deeply; yesterday was a poignant reminder of that.

Every year at the walk I think about how proud she would be of me because she knew the fight I was/am in to get there.  But I think that each year that I walk it is a way for me to honor the countless ways that she impacted my life.  I am walking in my 3rd walk this year because Jen made it possible for me to walk in my first walk 2 years ago.

I still have to raise over $500 more to participate in the walk just over a month away.  If you can help me get there, I would appreciate it deeply.

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